I love to see people winning in their longtime battles, and I’m living for it

The way you wreak havoc on the double-dealing chemistry of the bare minimum made me want to throw a party.
I may not be given the draft of your heavy days, but the errors there were worth replacing with a field of therapeutic corrections.
We do not actually get to make peace with all the versions we once were, but the acceptance of normal losing and winning is enough to welcome the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe it has been years since you saw yourself smiling while swallowing those bland disappointments—maybe you keep missing your bubbly history, yet for sure she hasn’t even left yet.
And I thank those warm ropes tied in you to refrain you from giving up. Because right now, I know you already can recognize yourself as a riddle that is hard for smart problems to compete.
The pain and anger behind your scenes are for sure clapping to the echo with how you released this era of you.